Sara Cordón

Sara Cordón is a Spanish writer, scholar and editor currently living in New York City. She is the author of the novel “Para español, pulse 2” (Caballo de Troya/ Penguin Random House, 2018). She currently works as a Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow in Writing at NYU. She obtained a Ph. D. at the Graduate Center, CUNY with a dissertation examining alternative forms of creation and legitimation of 21st-century Spanish-language literature. The focus of the dissertation is on authors with gender, racial, sexual, or social identities that have traditionally been excluded from circuits of literary distinction, who employ techniques of self-exhibition to engage with the public, redrawing the limits of literature. Sara's research and teaching interests include 20th and 21st Century Latin American and Iberian literatures; publishing, authorship and media culture; creative writing; literary self-representations and autofiction; cultural production and pop culture; contemporary Latinx and Hispanic literatures in the U. S.; Spanish-English/ English-Spanish literary translation; post-textual literatures.

Sara holds an MFA in Creative Writing at NYU, an MA in Humanities at Carlos III University of Madrid, and an MA in Book Publishing at University of Salamanca. She has more than ten years of experience as an instructor of Creative Writing, Literature and Spanish in a wide array of environments (universities, schools, online platforms, and hospitals). She was awarded the Cosecha Eñe Short Stories Award in 2017, and she is author of seven educational fiction books for young adults.

She co-founded the Spanish and English non-profit bilingual literary publishing house Chatos Inhumanos.